Tooth pain, also known as a toothache, occurs when the nerves within or surrounding a tooth become inflamed or irritated, resulting in discomfort.
Tooth pain, or toothaches, can arise from various causes, including improper tooth development in young children, minor injuries such as biting into a hard object or aggressive flossing, as well as more severe underlying conditions.
Painful or sensitive teeth can be the result of tooth fractures, periodontal disease, or dental decay.
Toothaches can also result from the loss of a tooth, such as after an extraction, when the nerves of surrounding teeth have been jarred or exposed.
Sometimes tooth pain is pain from other areas that has radiated to the jaw, where it seems to be a toothache. Ear pain, sinuses, and the temporomandibular joint—or jaw joint—can all develop pain that, over time, may seem to originate at the tooth.
There is really no way to tell how long a toothache will last. If it is simply the result of biting or brushing too hard, it may subside immediately or shortly after. If it is caused by something more serious, the pain may come and go, but never really go away completely.
Chances are if you are experiencing tooth pain or sensitivity, there is probably an underlying reason that needs attention. Putting off going to the dentist will most likely exacerbate the problem, leave you in pain longer, or even progress into something else even more painful. When in doubt, schedule a visit with your dentist so he or she can identify the cause of your pain and provide some appropriate treatment options.
If your toothache pain is severe, does not respond to over-the-counter pain relief, or lasts longer than 1 or 2 days, you should consult your dentist. Another cause for concern is if you are also experiencing an earache, fever, or pain when opening your mouth.
The toothache treatment options depend primarily on the cause of the tooth pain, which can only be determined by a dentist. If your dentist determines a cavity is causing your discomfort, you will need to have the cavity filled or the tooth extracted. If the tooth’s nerve is infected, you may need antibiotics and/or a root canal. A root canal is a dental procedure that removes the infected pulp of a tooth—the nerves and blood vessels inside the tooth—then cleans and seals the tooth.
There are things you can do at home to treat your tooth pain while you wait for an appointment. Avoid very hot, cold, or hard foods, and use an over-the-counter pain medication like ibuprofen or acetaminophen to relieve pain and reduce swelling.
Don’t let toothaches or tooth pain keep you down. Dental Depot DFW makes getting the dental care you need fast, easy, and convenient with four metro locations, flexible scheduling, and Saturday appointments. From routine dental cleanings and checkups to emergency dental care, Dental Depot DFW’s caring and professional staff  in Dallas, Lewisville, Aubrey, The Colony, McKinney, Arlington, and Highland Village are ready to help. Find your nearest location or schedule your appointment today.